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01 Mar 2024 | Prisoners’ Education Trust (PET) | Sport | Submission | PDF | 118.18KB

APPG on Sport and Physical Activity in the Criminal Justice System – PET evidence submission

The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Sport and Physical Activity in the Criminal Justice System launched an independent inquiry in January 2024, examining the role of physical activity, physical education and sport within the children and young people secure estate (CYPSE) and adult prisons across England and Wales. They issued a call for evidence which closed in March 2024.

01 Nov 2023 | Prisoners’ Education Trust (PET) | Government policy | Submission | PDF | 80.9KB

Future prison population and estate capacity – PET evidence submission

This Justice Committee inquiry will examine the projected changes to the size and composition of the prison population. It will explore the implications on the capacity of the prison estate and the deliverability of the Government’s current prison expansion programme. The inquiry will also examine the efficacy of the Government’s strategy to safely and effectively manage the prison population.

01 Jan 2023 | Prisoners’ Education Trust (PET) | Government policy | Submission | PDF | 125.62KB

The prison operational workforce – PET evidence submission

This Justice Committee inquiry will examine the current state of the prison operational workforce. It will seek to understand why high volumes of prison officers are leaving the prison service and the implications of staff turnover against the backdrop of existing pressures. The inquiry will also explore what measures are underway to recruit and retain staff and will examine whether the prison service will be adequately resourced to manage the projected prison population increase.

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